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Recognition of Magmatic-Fluid-Metallogenic Systems and Subsystems in TonglingCu-Au(Ag) Ore-forming Area[Abstract][PDF]

Re-Os Dating of Cu-Ni Sulfide Ores from Huangshandong Deposit in Xinjiang and Its Geodynamic Significance[Abstract][PDF]

Host Rocks of Tuwu_Yandong (Porphyry) Copper Deposit in Tianshan Mountains[Abstract][PDF]

O, Sr and Nd Isotopic Tracing of Ore-forming Process in Dexing PorphyryCopper Deposit, Jiangxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Sr Isotopic Compositions and Age Dating of Marine Phosphates from Pacific Seamounts[Abstract][PDF]

Characteristics of Supergene Geochemical Anomalies in Ertaizi Gold-Copper Orefield, Zhen'an, Shaanxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Ore Source of Sb(Au) Deposits in Central Hunan: I.Evidences of Trace Elements and Experimental Geochemistry[Abstract][PDF]

Enrichment Features and Patterns of PGE Metals in Black Shale from Zunyi area, Guizhou Province[Abstract][PDF]

REE Composition of Fluid Inclusions in Jinqingding and Qibaoshan Gold Deposits, Jiaodong Area[Abstract][PDF]

SnO2 Concentration in Granitic Melt and Its Relation with Crystallization Temperature and Time Duration[Abstract][PDF]

Modes of Occurrence of Silver in Gacun Silver_Polymetallic Massive Sulfide Deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Feasibility of Applying VLF-EM Methods to Exploration and Evaluation of Vein Deposits: Exemplified by Exploration of Gold, Lead-Zinc (Silver) and Fluorite Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Computation of Thickness of Hydrate Stability Zone in Okinawa Trough[Abstract][PDF]

Several Problems Concerning Exploration and Development of Artificial Deposits and Current Resource Situation of Such Deposits in China[Abstract][PDF]


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