Hits the Top 10
  Advances in the study of Mississippi Valley type deposits(63236)
  Mineral chemistry of micas from Ke'eryin pegmatite type lithium orefield in western Sichuan and its indication for rare metal mineralization and prospecting(43952)
  Geochemistry of germanium and its resources reserves(33913)
  Relationship between granitic rocks and Au-Cu-W-Sn mineralization(32819)
  Three major metallogenic events in Mesozoic in South China(30012)
  Is Gangdese Porphyry Copper Belt the Second “ Yulong” Copper Belt ?(28166)
  In situ U-Pb zircon dating using laser ablation-multi ion counting-ICP-MS(28039)
  A preliminary study of large-scale metallogenesis and large clusters of mineral deposits(26666)
  A preliminary discussion on the Mesozoic metallogenic explosion in east China(23745)
  Qulong superlarge porphyry Cu deposit in Tibet: Geology, alteration and mineralization(23371)
   Most Downloaded 10
  Qulong superlarge porphyry Cu deposit in Tibet: Geology, alteration and mineralization(51495)
  Early Yanshanian skarn W-Mo deposit in the southern margin of SongpanGanze terrane: Evidence from diagenetic and metallogenic chronology, zircon Hf isotopes in Daniuchang area(46937)
  LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of zircons from volcanic rocks and subvolcanic intrusions in Ashele Cu-Zn ore district, Xinjiang, and its geological implications(31851)
  Geological and geochemical characteristics of Mayuan Pb-Zn ore deposit on northern margin of Yangtze landmass(25041)
  Geochronology,Hf isotopic compositions and geochemical characteristics of Xitian A-type granite and its geological significance(23154)
  Hydrothermal evolution of gold-bearing pyrite and arsenopyrite from different types of gold deposits(21206)
  Geology, exploration model and practice of Zijinshan ore concentrated area(17814)
  Mineral prospecting and its related approaches in Duocaima Pb-Zn deposit in Tuotuohe, Qinghai Province(17453)
  A study of mineralization in Pangkuam copper-gold deposit of Laos and its indicating significance(16296)
  Molybdnite Re-Os age of Diaoquan silver-copper polymetallic deposit in Shanxi Province and its geological significance(14904)

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Current Issue:No.1,2025
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