Open access

MINERAL DEPOSITS is an Open Access Journal and all articles are immediately and permanently available for free reading and downloading through the Journal's website ( upon publication. The license is Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which allows third parties to reproduce, distribute, exhibit, perform, screen, broadcast, or transmit to the public via information networks articles published in the journal, provided that the author's attribution is retained, non-commercial purposes are limited, and no derivative works are made in these processes. For more information, please visit


Peer Reviews

The Editorial Board of MINERAL DEPOSITS conducts peer review, which is single-blind. All manuscripts are initially evaluated by the editorial board and then sent to no less than two experts for peer review, mainly to assess the scientificity, innovation and practicality of the paper, and the editor-in-chief finally decides whether the article can be published.


Authors' Rights and Interests

Upon acceptance of a manuscript, authors will be required to sign a "Copyright Assignment Agreement" with the editorial board, assigning the copyright to the journal "MINERAL DEPOSITS", but authors have the right to allow third parties to share their articles under a Creative Commons license (e.g., stored in an institutional knowledge base) and for other scholarly purposes; however, if the article is not accepted, the agreement automatically expires, The copyright remains with the authors.



Publication charge

To support open access publishing, MINERAL DEPOSITS charges an article publishing charge (APC), which needs to be paid by the authors or their institutions, grant-funded projects, etc. The charge is 300 RMB per page for black and white and 1000 RMBper page for color illustrated version.

The upper limit of charge is RMB 18000 per article. Authors who require more information (e.g., about waivers or discounts as provided by the journal), please contact the editorial office (E-mail: minerald@

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