Publishing Ethics of Mineral Deposits
Mineral Deposits, a Chinese scientific journal in geology, besides provides a platform for publishing original research on basic theories of mineral deposit geology and geology of metallic and nonmetallic mineral deposits, it covers a wide range of relevant interesting fields such as new techniques, new methods and research and experimental achievements made by various mineral deposits-related disciplines like petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry, mineral exploration, environmental geology and cosmic geology. As a rigorous peer-reviewed journal, we agree upon the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, and maintain high ethical standards when publishing articles.
The editors and editorial staff of Mineral Deposits must not disclose information about manuscripts to anyone, other than the authors, and should not use knowledge of the work before its publication to their own interests unless getting a permission of authors. The editors are responsible for seeking and assigning appropriate peer-reviewers to each manuscript and evaluating decisions made by reviewers. The editors should evaluate each manuscript without any bias. The editorial board of Mineral Deposits is responsible for deciding what or what level manuscript should be published and is accountable for everything published in Mineral Deposits. The final decision to accept or reject a manuscript is made by the Editor-in-Chief.
The manuscripts submitted to Mineral Deposits should be the authors’ own original work (including text, tables and figures) that have not been reported before. The authors should ensure that they have described accurate and authentic and no libelous or unlawful statements. Any manipulated data or fraudulent information is unacceptable. When citing information from other papers, the original source should be indicated clearly, and should obtain a copyright permission from the publishers that hold the rights when re-using part of a published figure or table.
Individuals who contributed to conception, design, practice, data analysis, and writing of the manuscript should be identified as authors. Each author should agree to release the materials and have a consensus on the authorship. The corresponding author has a responsibility to coordinate the author list and should ensure no inappropriate co-authors are included in. Upon acceptance of the article by the journal, the author(s) should agree to transfer the copyright of the article to Mineral Deposits.
We refuse any unethical publishing behavior (eg. fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, etc.). If the misconduct is supported by evidence, the paper in question will be rejected for consideration or retraction in case the paper has been published, and all authors and their affiliations will be informed. Future submissions from all the authors will be banned in two years.
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