引用本文:.2002.Feasibility of Applying VLF-EM Methods to Exploration and Evaluation of Vein Deposits: Exemplified by Exploration of Gold, Lead-Zinc (Silver) and Fluorite Deposits [J].Mineral Deposits,21(4):408~413
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Author NameAffiliation
白大明,聂凤军,江思宏 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 
中文关键词:固体地球物理学  甚低频电磁法(VLF_EM)  脉状矿床  金矿  铅锌(银)矿  萤石矿 
Feasibility of Applying VLF-EM Methods to Exploration and Evaluation of Vein Deposits: Exemplified by Exploration of Gold, Lead-Zinc (Silver) and Fluorite Deposits
Abstract:The deposit described in this paper is one of the most important types of ore deposit. In general, the spatial distribution of the ore veins in this deposit is controlled by fracture zones. Geophysical investigation indicates that the VLF-EM methods are suitable for exploration of this type of ore deposits in that they can be used precisely, conveniently and economically during the regional evaluation of the vein ore deposits, especially in the areas covered with overburden. The principles and application procedures of the VLF-EM methods have been described in detail in this paper. Meanwhile, Cases are given concerning the successful exploration of gold_ and lead-zinc-silver-bearing veins as well as fluorite veins distributed in Inner Mongolia and Yunnan. In addition, all the geophysical anomalies delineated by the VLF_EM methods have been proved to be valuable. The exploration model derived from the VLF_EM methods is also advanced.
keywords:Solid-earth physics, very low frequency electromagnetic methods (VLF_EM), vein deposits, gold deposits, lead-zinc(silver) deposits, fluorite deposits.
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