引用本文:.2002.Computation of Thickness of Hydrate Stability Zone in Okinawa Trough[J].Mineral Deposits,21(4):414~418
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Author NameAffiliation
方银霞,申屠海港,金翔龙 浙江大学地球科学系 
中文关键词:一次能源  天然气水合物  水合物稳定带  厚度  冲绳海槽
Computation of Thickness of Hydrate Stability Zone in Okinawa Trough
Abstract:The study of the hydrate stability zone (HSZ) is of great significance in that it is beneficial to the research of the deposition and the distribution features of marine gas hydrate ore, and also to the resource assessment of the marine gas hydrate. Based on the phase balance condition and the corresponding pressure-temperature equation of the gas hydrate, this paper has discussed the effects of such factors as the water depth, seafloor temperature and geothermal gradient on the deposition of marine gas hydrate. According to the relative geometric algorithm, it has also dealt with the theoretical computation method for the thickness of the hydrate stability zone based on the parameters of the water depth, seafloor temperature and geothermal gradient. A simple and practical program was worked out on the Windows Chinese platform according to the available computation method. Furthermore, this paper has analyzed the geological characteristics of Okinawa Trough, considering that Okinawa Trough has favorable mineralization condition for marine gas hydrate. So based on the specific parameters such as the water depth, seafloor temperature and geothermal gradient of Okinawa Trough, the authors used the program to compute the thickness of the hydrate stability zone in Okinawa Trough. The calculated results show that the Okinawa Trough, especially its west slope, is the potential area of the gas hydrate resource.
keywords:energy resource, gas hydrate, hydrate stability zone (HSZ), thickness, Okinawa Trough
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