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Discrrssion on Critical rlyansition of Ore-forming Parameters (Factors)[Abstract][PDF]

Mineral Exploration Model of Double Control and Reasonable Area[Abstract][PDF]

Integrated Prospecting Model for Gacun Volcanic-hosted Massive Sulfide Deposit, Sichuan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Pressure Solution and Overgrowth of Sulphides in Massive Sulphide Ores and Their Metallogenic Significance: Exemplified by Deposits of Western Canada[Abstract][PDF]

Bimodal Volcanic Association and Massive Sulfide Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Geological Characteristics and Comprehensive Metallogenic Model of Copper and/or Zinc Sulfide Deposits in Shijuli Area, North Qilian Mountains[Abstract][PDF]

Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Endogenic Rare and Rare Earth lVfineral Deposits of China[Abstract][PDF]

Is Gangdese Porphyry Copper Belt the Second “ Yulong” Copper Belt ?[Abstract][PDF]

Relationship Betvveen Sediments-hosted Micro-disseminated Gold Deposits and Basin Evolution: Case Study in Youjiang Basin, South China[Abstract][PDF]

Analysis of Genesis of Carlintype Gold Deposits in Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi Triangle Area[Abstract][PDF]

Geological Features and Origin of Saridala Gold Deposit ,Ⅺnjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Characteristics and Metallogeny of Cishan Granite, East Shandong (Jiaodong)[Abstract][PDF]



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