引用本文:.2001.Characteristics and Metallogeny of Cishan Granite, East Shandong (Jiaodong)[J].Mineral Deposits,20(4):394~401
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Author NameAffiliation
孟繁聪, 孙岱生, 李胜荣 中国地质科学院地质研究所 
中文摘要:在胶东地区,岩浆岩是金富集成矿的重要因素之一。文章从矿物组合和岩石化学等方面将烟台磁山花岗岩与胶东玲珑岩体、郭家岭岩体、昆嵛山岩体进行了对比,结果表明磁山岩体主体为黑云母二长花岗岩,主要由斜长石、钾长石、石英、黑云母组成,副矿物有石榴子石、磷灰石、锆石、磁铁矿、褐帘石等。磁山岩体。值在1.80~2.52之间(平均2.06),SI值在2.81~5.86之间(平均4.78),DI值在78.95~ 85.51之间(平均82),氧化率平均为0.47,是成矿的有利岩体。文章指出,南张家金矿是潜在的大-中型金矿,因此应对其做进一步的勘探。
中文关键词:金矿  磁山花岗岩  胶东
Characteristics and Metallogeny of Cishan Granite, East Shandong (Jiaodong)
Abstract:According to the tectonic setting of the Jiaodong granite, the deep genesis of the Jiaodong granite and its gold deposits is attributed to the strong activation of the Mesozoic mantle in eastern China, which resulted in partial melting of the Jiaodong Group , the crystallization of the melt into granite , and the concentration of gold into ore in the rock-forming process. Mineral composition and petrological chemistry of the Cishan granite indicate that the Cishan granite is mainly composed of biotite monzogranite, its major minerals consist mainly of plagioclase, potassium feldspar, quartz and biotite, and its minor minerals include garnet, apatite, zircon, magnetite, epidote etc. The δvalues (<4) vary from l .80 t0 2 .52 (2.60 0n average) , the SI values vary between 2 .81 and 5.86 ( 4.78 on average) , and the DI values range form 78.95 to 85.51 ( 82 on average) , with the oxidation ratio averaging 0.47. These characteristics are different from the other three major ore- bearing granites -Linglong granite, Guojialing granite and Kunyushan granite , indicating that their gold- bearing ore deposits are different . It is shown that the Cishan granite is the favorable rock body for metallization. Therefore, the Nanzhangjia gold deposit should not be abandoned rashly in spite of the fact that its metallogenic capacity is not as big as that of other rock bodies in Jiaodong and it bears no large and rich ore deposits .
keywords:gold deposit, Cishan granite, east Shandong ( Jiaodong)
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