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Petrological features of volcanic rocks in H9 formation of the Bayan Obo ore district, Inner Mongolia, and their significance[Abstract][PDF]

A preliminary discussion on the crust-mantle mineralization in the Taihang Mountains –Yanshan orogenic belt from the angle of dioritoid enclanves[Abstract][PDF]

U-Pb isotope age of individual zircon from biotite leptynite in the Qidashan iron deposit and its significance[Abstract][PDF]

Distribution of Mesozoic geotemperature field and antimony deposits (occurrences) in central Hunan[Abstract][PDF]

Types and space-time distribution of copper-gold deposits in east Junggar, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Nd-Sr isotopic and petrogenetic studies of the Qianlishan granite stock, Hunan Province[Abstract][PDF]

The metallotectonic stress field in the west of the Xiangshan uranium orefield and its relations to uranium mineralization[Abstract][PDF]

A study o frock-forming and ore-forming temperatures of the Lianhuashan tungstrn deposit, Guangdong Province[Abstract][PDF]

Water-rock exchange in the Jiaojia style gold deposit: Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic study of altered rocks[Abstract][PDF]

The implications of 40Ar-39Ar saddle-shaped age spectra of trace K minerals from the Lushui tungsten-tin deposit, Yunnan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic conditions and processes of the wendeng gold deposit, Shandong Province: The application of cathode-luminescence to fluid inclusion study[Abstract][PDF]


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