引用本文:.1995.A study o frock-forming and ore-forming temperatures of the Lianhuashan tungstrn deposit, Guangdong Province[J].Mineral Deposits,14(3):252~260
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Author NameAffiliation
李兆麟,杨忠芳 中山大学地质系 
中文关键词:包裹体  成岩温度  粒间溶液  莲花山钨矿
A study o frock-forming and ore-forming temperatures of the Lianhuashan tungstrn deposit, Guangdong Province
Abstract:The Lianhuashan tungsten deposit occurs in the volcanic terrain of the southeast coastal area of China, where thyolite, quartz porphyry and granite form a magmatic evolution series. Orebodies occur at the endo- and exocontact zone between quartz porphyry and metasandstone of Xiaoping coal measures. Homogenization temperatures of melting inclusions in zircon and in quartz are l100℃ and 1050℃ for thyolite, 1000℃ and 860℃ for quartz porphyry, and 950~1000℃ and 820℃ for granite respectively, suggesting that rock-forming temperatures dropped successively from eruptive rocks to intrusive rocks, and that homogenization temperatures of melting inclusions in zircon are 50~180℃ higher than those in quartz. Homogenization temperatures of gas-liquid inclusions in quartz are 520~ 230℃ ( the best being 230~ 270℃) for quartz porphyry , 450~ 200℃ (the best being 200~360℃) for ore-bearing quartz veins, 150~210℃ for granite and 170~200℃ for its vein quartz. Quartz from the quartz porphyry is similar to that from the ore-bearing quartz veins in inclusion types and homogenization temperatures, indicating that intergranular solution was formed during the cooling of magma and that ore-forming solution in this area was derived mainly from ore-bearing intergranular solution in the quartz porphyry.
keywords:inclusion, rock-forming temperature, intergranular solution, Lianhuashan tungsten deposit
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