引用本文:.1995.Distribution of Mesozoic geotemperature field and antimony deposits (occurrences) in central Hunan[J].Mineral Deposits,14(3):220~227
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Author NameAffiliation
胡雄伟,裴荣富,史明魁 中国地质科学院矿床地质研究所 
中文关键词:锑矿  古地温场  湘中
Distribution of Mesozoic geotemperature field and antimony deposits (occurrences) in central Hunan
Abstract:Composed of such geotemperature systems as Shaoshan, Lianyuan, Shaoyang and Qiyang, the central Mesozoic geotemperature field of central Hunan exhibits zonal characteristics restricted by spatial distribution of Mesozoic granitoids and regional tectonic belts. Geotemperature is relatively low within the depression but fairly high in the upwarped area and along the margin of the depression, the maximum paleotemperature attaining as high as 200~ 300℃. The Mesozoic geotemperature field resulted from the superimposition of multiple tectonic-thermal events of the same period, with the intrusion of Jurassic magma exerting the greatest influence. Magmatic heat acted as the main heat source of the geothermal field. Metamorphism and zoning of Late Paleozoic coal were controlled by the Mesozoic geotemperature field and, in turn, serve as good indicators of the peleogeotemperature field. Antimony deposits (occurrences) are mainly concentrated in the high paleogeotemperature district which implies active water-heat actions. The regional paleogeotemperature field must have played a controlling role in the formation and migration of ore-forming fluids as well as the production of mesothermal-epithermal deposits.
keywords:central Hunan, Paleogeotemperature field, antimony deposit
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