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The Development of the Mineral Deposit Prospecting and Research Work in the Past Twenty Years: A Brief Review[Abstract][PDF]

Mineral Deposit Geology towards the 21st Century[Abstract][PDF]

Light Hydrocarbon Composition of Fluid Inclusions and Its Constraints on Ore Genesis: A Case Study of the Songxi Ag(Sb) Deposit, Eastern Guangong[Abstract][PDF]

Fluid Inclusions of the Dongping gold Telluride Deposit in Hebei Province,China: Involvement of Mantle Fluid in Metallogenesis[Abstract][PDF]

Fluid Mixing in the Generation of Nevoria Gold Mineralisation in the Southern Cross Greenstone Belt, Western Australia[Abstract][PDF]

The Gacun VHMS Deposit in Sichuan Province: from Field Observation to Genetic Model[Abstract][PDF]

Theoretical Modeling of Stable Isotope Systems and Its Applications to Geochemistry of Hydrothermal ore Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Dynamic System Transformation and Gold Ore-forming Process[Abstract][PDF]

The Space-Time Relationship of Gold to Lead-Zinc Mineralization and Its Application[Abstract][PDF]

Skarn Gold Deposits in the Shizishan Orefield, Tongling Area, Anhui Province[Abstract][PDF]

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