矿床地球化学应用 |
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引用本文:.2001.Theoretical Modeling of Stable Isotope Systems and Its Applications to Geochemistry of Hydrothermal ore Deposits[J].Mineral Deposits,20(1):57~70,85 |
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基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(编号:G19990432005) |
中文摘要:稳定同位素体系理论模式及其稳定同位素方法已成为现代地球科学研究的重要手段之一,稳定同位素体系的理论模式及其地球化学应用是国际上地球化学研究的前沿方向之一。本文概括了热液体系内成矿地球化学过程引起稳定同位素组成变化的定量理论模式,包括热液矿物之间的同位素平衡的判断、热液去气和矿物沉淀的储库效应、二元混合与矿床成因等。这些模型对于确定成矿温度、鉴定成矿流体源区和推测成矿地球化学机理提供了更为合理的同位素数据定量解释基础。 |
中文关键词:稳定同位素, 热液矿床, 理论模式, 地球化学 |
Theoretical Modeling of Stable Isotope Systems and Its Applications to Geochemistry of Hydrothermal ore Deposits |
Abstract:Stable isotope approach has become one of the most important means in modern earth sciences. Theoretical modeling of stable isotope systems and its geochemical applications have occpied the frontiers of isotope geochemistry in the last decade. This paper summarizes a number of quantitative models aimed at accounting for stableisotope variation duriUg hydrothermal minerali:rations. These models involve judgement of isotope equilibrium between hydrothermal rninefals, reservoir effect o:f hydrothermal degassing and mineral precipitation on isotopic composition} two-member mixing relevant to ore genesis which includes mixing of two different sorts of fluids,mineral precipitation due to fluid mixing or fluid-rock interaction, and secondary alteration of hydrothermal calate. The models place quantitative constrains on isotope geothermometry, tracing of fluid origin, and mechanism of hydrothermal mineralization. |
keywords:stable isotope, hydrothermal ore deposit, quantitative modeling, geochcmistry |
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