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Geological characteristics of the Jinding lead -zinc deposit in Yunnan with a special discussion on its genesis[Abstract][PDF]

On the genesis of the Qixiashan lead-zine ore deposit of Nanjing[Abstract][PDF]

Fluid inclusion studies of the Xitieshan lead-zinc deposit with a special discussion on physicochemical conditions for ore deposition[Abstract][PDF]

The major types of primary tin deposits in Guangxi and their metallogenic regularities[Abstract][PDF]

Some features of the “red-feldspathization” in the Xihuashan tungsten deposit[Abstract][PDF]

The REE patterns and origin of tungsten- related granitic rocks in South China[Abstract][PDF]

Hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur and carbon isotope geochemistry of the Lianhuashan porphyry type tungsten deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Regional metallogenic characteristics of the volcanogenic sulfide deposits in northern Qilian mountain[Abstract][PDF]

A study of the migration direction of ore-bearing fluids[Abstract][PDF]

Hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions and mineralizatl0n of the Zhangjiakou gold deposits, Hebei province[Abstract][PDF]

The distribution of halogen elements in the Dongguashan copper ore deposlts and its relationship with mineralization[Abstract][PDF]

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