引用本文:.1985.Some features of the “red-feldspathization” in the Xihuashan tungsten deposit[J].Mineral Deposits,4(1):39~46
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赫英 中国地质科学院地质研究所 
Some features of the “red-feldspathization” in the Xihuashan tungsten deposit
Abstract:Various wall-alterations alongside the wolframite quartz vein in Xihuashan tungsten deposit show an overall concentric zoning nearly parallel to the surface of the granite body. Of the “red-feldspathization”, five kinds of occurrence have been recognized, i. e., (1)at the outmost sides of vein but not corresponding to t he occurrence of greisens; (2) at the outmost sides of vein corresponding to the occurrence of greisens; (3)at the inner sides of greisens; (4)at the site where the vein pinches out; (5)in the quartz veins. The “red-feldspathization” is a kind of microclinization characterized by the separation of Na+ from K-feldspar and the formation of independent phase of albite. It is also related to the separation of K+ and OH- caused by the change of closed condition, and is controlled by the K+/OH- ratio of the deuteric solution. The close relations of greisenization to the enrichment of tungsten reflect the role of water in the migration of tungsten; the evident connection between the “red-feIdspathization”, and the concentration of tungsten also suggest the importance of alkaline in the deposition of tungsten. It is obvious, therefore, that the ratio K+/OH- must have played an important part in tungsten minerealization. The probable mechanism of the formation of the ore vein is also dealt with in this paper.
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