引用本文:.1985.Hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions and mineralizatl0n of the Zhangjiakou gold deposits, Hebei province[J].Mineral Deposits,4(1):84~89,30
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王时麒,穆治国,陈成业 北京大学地质学系 
Hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions and mineralizatl0n of the Zhangjiakou gold deposits, Hebei province
Abstract:Oxygen isotope compositions of quartz minerals from the gold-bearing quartz veins, metamorphic country rocks, and pegmatite as well as hydrogen isotope compositions of fluid inclusions in the same quartz minerals are determined for the Zhangjiakou gold deposits. δ18O values of quartz are 6.43-9.78‰, 9.24-12.44‰, and 11.39-13.71‰ for the metamorphic rocks, pegma tires, and gold-bearing quartz veins, respectively. δDH2O values of fluid inclusions in quartz are -111.3- -104.6‰ for the metamorphic rocks, -116.9- 110.4‰ for the pegmatites, and -115.0— -50.5‰ for the quartz veins, respectively. Calculated oxygen isotope compositions of water in equilibrium with quartz are 5.30—9.13‰, 6.23—9.43‰, and 5.86—7.57‰, respectively. Five samples of ground water and mine water are analyzed for hydrogen oxygen compositions with theδD values being -54.6(‰)±3.7. The calculated values of δ18O are -8.07(‰)±0.42. A comparison in oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions between the ore-bearing fluids and other natural water suggests that the ore-bearing fluids were mainly derived from metamorphic waters rather than magmatic wafers. It is most likely that these gold deposits were generated as a result of metamorphism.
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