
Other Issues:  


The foundamental features of metalogenic megaprovince and epochs of eastern China[Abstract][PDF]

The advances in the theory of the Origin of salt deposits and their influence on the sutdy of mineral deposits[Abstract][PDF]

The late Mesozoic volacnic formations of the Lower Yangze Valley region[Abstract][PDF]

A discussion on the genesis of evolutional series of some main metal-groups[Abstract][PDF]

The classfication of structural domain and stuctural zone of mercury ore deposits in Guizhou Province[Abstract][PDF]

Chief genetical types of Gallium-bearing deposits in China[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemical characteristics of sedimentation and metamorphism of Dongchuan copper deposits,Yunnan Procince[Abstract][PDF]

A preliminary study of the deep tectonic pattern in Hebei Province and its relations with regional mineralizations[Abstract][PDF]

The distribution and geological characteristics of strata-bound uranium deposits in Diwa regions of China[Abstract][PDF]

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