引用本文:.1982.The distribution and geological characteristics of strata-bound uranium deposits in Diwa regions of China[J].Mineral Deposits,1(1):83~89
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姚振凯 中南地勘局二三O研究所 
The distribution and geological characteristics of strata-bound uranium deposits in Diwa regions of China
Abstract:Following the theory of diwa established by Prof. Chen Guoda and taking the internal relations between the evolution of crust, of tectonicsand of mineralization into account, the author has made a comprehensive study of the strata-bound uranium deposits in the diwa regions of China.The study shows that strata-bound uranium deposits of China are mostly distributed in diwa region. They occur in geosynclinal, platformand diwa structural positions. The ores have ages of 135-2 m.y., chiefly 120-40 m.y, suggesting they were all formed during the middle-late period of tectonic and magmatic activities of diwa stage, a period xvhen Cretaceous-Tertiary red bed basins took shape and grew. Iri spatial distribution, the ore deposits are often related to granitic rocks or eruptive rocks of Indo-China and Yenshan periods as well as to Mesozoic and Cenozoic basins; in ore association, they are invariably accompanied by uranium, lead, zinc, molybdenum, mercury and other deposits of granitic or volcanic types. The time-spatial distribution of the strata-bound uranium deposits makes it clear that its genesis had a good deal to do with the evolution of the geotectonic units, i.e. from geosyncline to platform, then to diwa.The strata-bound uranium deposits in diwa regions have lots of features peculiar to themselves: occurring in various strata mineralizations from different sources adding to each other; superposition of mineralizations of several phases; multigenetic mineralizations with some of them playing the major role; being transitional to one another. In mineralization, only through gradual development and accumulation of ores of several phases can industrial uranium deposits be formed. This kind of deposits usually experienced in sequence three principal mineralization phases.
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