引用本文:.1982.The advances in the theory of the Origin of salt deposits and their influence on the sutdy of mineral deposits[J].Mineral Deposits,1(1):15~24
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袁见齐,霍承禹,蔡克勤 武汉地质学院北京研究生部 
The advances in the theory of the Origin of salt deposits and their influence on the sutdy of mineral deposits
Abstract:In the last score of years a series of new viewpoints have beenexpressed for the theorectical research on the origin of salt-deposits:salt deposits are natural products formed in a certa:in stage of rift-evolution; they are under the control of fracturing with salt substance derivedfrom multiple sources; mixing and percolation of brines have formedvarious sedimentary sections; a combined high mountain-deep valleysetting provides a complicated environment for the deposition of salts; playas have played an important part in salt-deposition. These view-points make it possible for us to formulate a new model of the origin of salts in place of the outmoded bar theory which has dominated the geologic circle for over a century.With the continual discovery of new mineral deposits the close relations between salt deposits and other mineral deposits have been corroborated. The salts are not only extensively related to various sedimentary mineral deposits (including organic ones), but also closely tied todeposits long considered to be of endogenic origin.Sabkha, metallogenesis of hot brines,the part played by salt substance in the transference and deposition of mineral matters and the assimilation of salts by magma are all processes which become effective onlywhen participated by salt substance. Thus, the old idea that salt doposits belong to anisolated and special type is beginning to lose its supporters. Plate tectonic researches have also brought to light the role played by salts during crustal evolution; and salt deposits are an inevitableproduct formod in a certain stage of rift-valley development,
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