引用本文:张 旗,金惟俊,王 焰,李承东,王元龙.2010.Relationship between granitic rocks and Au-Cu-W-Sn mineralization[J].Mineral Deposits,29(5):729~759
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Author NameAffiliation
张 旗,金惟俊 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 
王 焰 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所 
李承东 中国地质调查局天津地质矿产研究所 
王元龙 中国科学院地质与球物理研究所 
中文关键词:地质学  花岗岩  金矿  斑岩铜矿  钨锡矿  成岩作用  成矿作用
Relationship between granitic rocks and Au-Cu-W-Sn mineralization
Abstract:Sr and Yb concentrations of grantitic rocks related to Au-Cu-W-Sn mineralization in the world are summarized in this paper. According to the classification of Sr versus Yb for [HJ]granitic rocks, the authors hold that Au-Cu mineralization may be associated with adakitic type and Himalayan type granitic rocks, whereas W-Sn mineralization may be related to Nanling-type granitic rocks. The crucial factors for different metallic ore deposits hosted in granitic rocks are formation depth and f(O2), Consequently, Au-Cu mineralization cannot be coexistent with W-Sn mineralization at the same time and in the same locality unless the two kinds of mineralization were superimposed on each other afterwards. It is considered that granitic rocks and related ore deposits might have been formed by two independent processes: the formation of granitic rocks was controlled by heat of source rocks, whereas the formation of ore deposits was controlled by three compulsory factors, i.e., heat, fluid and suitable metal sources. Therefore, ore mineralization is always restricted in certain localities. Au-Cu-W-Sn ore deposits may not have a direct genetic connection with the host granitic rocks. It is probable that ore deposits might have been formed earlier or later than or simultaneously with spatially associated granitic rocks.
keywords:geology, granitic rocks, gold deposit, porphyry Cu deposit, W-Sn deposit, lithogenesis, ore-forming process
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