论华南地区中生代3次大规模成矿作用 |
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引用本文:.2005.Three major metallogenic events in Mesozoic in South China[J].Mineral Deposits,24(2):99~107 |
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基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(1999CB403209)和国家自然科学基金重点项目(40132010) |
中文摘要:文章在总结大量前人资料的基础上,提出华南地区中生代发生了3次大规模成矿作用,且都在燕山期。其中,第一次发生在燕山早期的180~170 Ma,以赣东北和湘东南的Cu、Pb_Zn、(Au)矿化为代表。第二次发生在燕山中期的第二阶段(约150~139 Ma),主要是南岭及相邻地区以W、Sn、Nb-Ta等有色_稀有金属矿化为主的成矿作用。第三次是发生在燕山晚期125~98 Ma的以南岭地区Sn、U矿化和东南沿海地带的Au-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag矿化为代表的成矿作用。华南地区中生代这3次大规模的成矿作用是该地区岩石圈发展演化的产物,它们与拉张的动力学背景、壳_幔相互作用、深部热和流体的参与有着成因上的密切关系。 |
中文关键词:地质学 中生代 燕山期 大规模成矿作用 岩石圈演化 华南 综述 |
Three major metallogenic events in Mesozoic in South China |
Abstract:In Mesozoic, large_scale metallogeny took place in South China, which was called “Mesozoic metallogenic explosion”. Based on detailed investigation, the authors have recognized three major large_scale metallogenic events in Mesozoic. All these events occurred in Yanshanian period, which has been considered as the post_orogenic period of the Indosinian Orogenesis. The first large_scale metallogeny took place from 180 Ma to 170 Ma, represented by Cu, Pb-Zn,(Au)mineralization in northeastern Jiangxi and southeastern Hunan. The second one was mainly mineralization of rare metals such as W, Sn, Nb_Ta closely related to crust-remelting type granitoids during 150~139 Ma. The following 125~98 Ma was the time for the third, and perhaps the strongest large_scale metallogeny, which included Sn-U mineralization in Nanling Range region and Au-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization in the Southeast Coastal zone. The three major metallogenic events resulted from lithospheric evolution of South China and had close genetic relation with extensional geodynamic background, crust_mantle interaction, and participation of deep-source heat and fluids. |
keywords:geology, Mesozoic, Yanshanian period, large_scale metallogeny, lithospheric evolution, South China, comprehensive |
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