
Other Issues:  


Restriction Role of Geophysical Fields and Deep Structures in Mineralization of Sanjiang Minerogenetic Zone[Abstract][PDF]

Seismic Wave Velocity Structure of Crust and Upper Mantle and Petrological Interpretation[Abstract][PDF]

Relationship between Lithospheric Structures and Metallogenic Processes in Five Major Metallogenic Domains of Chinese Continent[Abstract][PDF]

Input of Material and Heat from Convective Mantle into Continent and Continental Metallogenesis[Abstract][PDF]

Lithospheric Discontinuity and Continental Metallogenesis[Abstract][PDF]

Basic Characteristics of Surficial Geochemical Fields in China[Abstract][PDF]

Discussion on Division of Metallogenic Domains in China[Abstract][PDF]

Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Precambrian Mineral Deposits in China[Abstract][PDF]

Precambrian Gold Deposits of China[Abstract][PDF]

Precambrian Crustal Evolution and Mineralization in China[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic Characteristics of Precambrian Copper Deposits in China[Abstract][PDF]

Type of an Important Paleozoic Ore-forming Process in North China Landmass and Its margin and Historical Position of Caledonian Tectono-Metallogenic Cycle[Abstract][PDF]

Tentative Discussion on Major Types of Metallic Ore Deposits and Regional Ore-forming Regularity of Paleo-Asia Metallogenic Domain[Abstract][PDF]

Geological Characteristics, Metallogenic Epochs and Metallogenic Settings of Skarn-Type Ore Deposits in East Kunlun Area[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic Series and Ore-forming Processes of Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Deposits in Paleozoic Era[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic Series and Evolution in Qilian Orogenic Belt in Early Paleozoic[Abstract][PDF]

Essentials of Sedimentary Mineral Resources and Series Types in China[Abstract][PDF]

Tentative Discussion on Geochemical Province in Relation to Metallogeny[Abstract][PDF]

Assessment of Predominant Mineral Resource Potentials and Assessment Method for Metallogenic Series and Integrated Information in Western China[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic Regularity and Ore-controlling Factors of Endogenetic Gold Deposits in China[Abstract][PDF]

Tentative Discussion on Some Problems Related to Prognosis of Large and Superlarge Noble Metallic and Nonferrous Metallic Ore Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

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