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Two types of massive sulfide deposits along northern margin of Qaidam basin, Qinghai Province: Ⅱ. Qinglongtan_style VHMS Cu_S deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Study of fluid inclusions from Tinggong porphyry copper deposit in Gangdese belt, Tibet[Abstract][PDF]

Discovery of epithermal Au_Sb deposits in Gangdese metallogenic belt of Tibet and its significance: Case study of Longruri Au_Sb deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Geological features and fluid inclusions of Shamai tungsten deposit, Inner Mongolia[Abstract][PDF]

REE characteristics of carbonate rocks in Xicheng Devonian basin and origin of dolomite in Changba giant lead_zinc deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Application of SWIR reflectance spectroscopy to Pulang porphyry copper ore district, Yunnan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Re-Os isotopic age dating of molybdenite separates from Elegen porphyry Mo (Cu) mineralized area, northwestern Alxa, western Inner Mongolia[Abstract][PDF]

Stable isotope data from Muluozhai REE deposit in Mianning County, Sichuan Province, and their geological implications[Abstract][PDF]

Relationship between ore_forming process and regional tectonic evolution of ophiolitic mixtite belt in northern West Qinling region[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic model of Heishishan adakite gold deposit in Gansu Province[Abstract][PDF]

Application of shallow seismic technology and magnetotellurics to location prognosis of concealed metallic deposits: Case study of Tulargen Cu_Ni mining area, Hami, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Application of GIS to metallogenic prognosis: Case study of Yangjiazhangzi ore field[Abstract][PDF]

Investigation on potassium resource and its exploitation and utilization in Turkmenistan[Abstract][PDF]


Re-Os isotopic dating of molybdenite from Datongchang copper_lead_zinc deposit in Tengchong area, western Yunnan[Abstract][PDF]

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