引用本文:.2005.Application of SWIR reflectance spectroscopy to Pulang porphyry copper ore district, Yunnan Province [J].Mineral Deposits,24(6):621~637
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连长云,章 革,元春华 中国地质调查局发展研究中心 
中文关键词:地质学  短波红外光谱矿物测量技术  PIMA  蚀变矿物  普朗  云南
Application of SWIR reflectance spectroscopy to Pulang porphyry copper ore district, Yunnan Province
Abstract:Altered mineral assemblages are important in the understanding and exploration of hydrothermal ore deposits. The altered minerals and their assemblages have traditionally been identified by naked eyes in the field or by microscopes indoors. However, some fine_grained minerals, especially the minerals with varying compositions, can not be identified exactly. The Portable Infrared Mineral Analyzer (PIMA), a kind of field portable short_wave infrared (SWIR) spectrometer, can partly solve the problem and serve as a valuable tool for recognizing the distribution of altered mineral assemblages.PIMA provides rapid and real time analysis of some altered minerals such as phyllosilicates, clays, carbonatites, and selected sulfates, particularly alunite and jarosite. The analysis of data sets requires the use of the spectral reference libraries from different geological environments and may be aided in some cases by computer data_processing packages. Integration of altered mineral assemblages and other exploration data is of benefit to locating drill holes and guiding the exploration work.PIMA can be used in numerous ore_forming environments, such as the hydrothermal system with high_ and/or low_sulfidation, porphyry, mesothermal fluids, sediments_hosted gold and copper, and VMS. Case studies in the Pulang copper ore district of Yunnan Province demonstrate that PIMA has the ability to rapidly acquire the data and produce drill logging maps, thus helpful to delineating areas for future work.In this paper, the authors deal in detail with the results of PIMA applying to mapping altered minerals in the Pulang copper ore district. The exploration model based on the SWIR measurement proves to be effective in practical exploration.
keywords:geology, SWIR reflectance spectroscopy, PIMA, altered minerals, Pulang, Yunnan
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