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Metallogenesis in Tibetan collisional orogenic belt:Ⅱ. Mineralization in late_collisional transformation setting[Abstract][PDF]

Tectonic setting and metallogenic mechanism of Tuolugou cobalt (gold) depo sit,Qinghai Province[Abstract][PDF]

Formation pressure of wolframite_vein deposits and emplacement depth of related granite in Xihuashan,Jiangxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Discovery of cryptoexplosive breccia in Nanjinshan gold deposit of Beishan area, Gansu Province and study of metallogenic regularity[Abstract][PDF]

How to explain Pb isotope data: Comments on a paper by She Hongquan et al. in 《Mineral Deposits》[Abstract][PDF]

dating of alteration minerals from Zhaishang gold deposit in Minxian County, Gansu Province, and its geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics and geodynamic background of molybdenum (copper) de posits along Yanshan_Liaoning metallogenic belt on northern margin of Nort h China block[Abstract][PDF]

Isotope characteristics and formation process of hot spring type cesium de posit in Targejia, Tibet[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemical record of bottom water in ferromanganese crusts[Abstract][PDF]

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