引用本文:.2006.Discovery of cryptoexplosive breccia in Nanjinshan gold deposit of Beishan area, Gansu Province and study of metallogenic regularity[J].Mineral Deposits,25(5):572~581
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Author NameAffiliation
沈远超,申 萍,曾庆栋,刘铁兵,李光明 中国科学院矿产资源研究重点实验室中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 
中文关键词:地质学  隐爆角砾岩体; 成矿规律; EH_4连续电导率测量; 南金山金矿床; 甘肃
Discovery of cryptoexplosive breccia in Nanjinshan gold deposit of Beishan area, Gansu Province and study of metallogenic regularity
Abstract:The authors discovered for the first time cryptoexplosive breccia in the Nanjinshan gold deposit based on a detailed geological study of the gold deposit. The cryptoexplosive breccia belongs to the Upper Subformation of Lower Carboniferous Baishan Formation. The thick_bedded and massive metamorphic granite glutenite should be cryptoexplosive magmatic breccia, and the thick_bedded and massive metamorphic tuff glutenite should be cryptoexplosive tuff breccia. The cryptoexplosive breccia body shows a nearly EW_extending zonal distribution. The cryptoexplosive magmatic breccia occurs in the center of the rock body, forming an inner belt of the cryptoexplosive breccia body. The cryptoexplosive tuff breccia occurs on the opposite sides of the rock body, forming the outer belt of the rock body. Based on a geological study of the ore body, the authors put forward the new idea that the cryptoexplosive breccia body and cryptoexplosive faults and fractures controlled the formation of the Nanjinshan gold deposit, and the ore bodies are distributed in the cryptoexplosive tuffaceous breccia and the cryptoexplosive faults of the outer belt. The EH_4 electrical conductivity image system was used to measure the sequence resistivity of the cryptoexplosive breccia body and the orebody. The results can prove the correctness of the authors' idea concerning the formation of the Nanjinshan gold deposit and the distribution of the ore bodies.
keywords:geology, cryptoexplosive breccia, metallogenic regularity, EH-4 measurement of continuous electrical conductivity, Nanjinshan gold deposit, Gansu
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