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Molybdenite Re-Os dating of Jiama and Zhibula polymetallic copper deposits in Gangdese metallogenic belt of Tibet and its significance[Abstract][PDF]

Petrology and geochemistry of siliceous rocks in Silurian lead-zinc deposits of southern Qinling region[Abstract][PDF]

Construction of a three_dimensional model for orebodies of Jinding depoist, Yunnan Province, and its significance in geological study[Abstract][PDF]

Characteristics and metallogenic potential of skarn copper_lead_zinc polymetallic deposits in central eastern Gangdese[Abstract][PDF]

Discussion on metallogenic epoch of Hongqiling Cu_Ni sulfide deposit, Jilin Province[Abstract][PDF]

Discovery of cryptoexplosive breccia type Cu (_Au) orebodies in Tonglushan skarn_type Cu_Fe deposit of Hubei Province and ore_searching vista[Abstract][PDF]

Application of fluid inclusions in microfissures to study of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation: A case study of Gaoyou depression[Abstract][PDF]

Discussion on Proterozoic K- and REE-rich sedimentary rocks in North China as ore source of Bayan Obo rare earth deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Database construction for national mineral resources assessment of China[Abstract][PDF]

Calculation of μvalue in two_stage system of lead evolution[Abstract][PDF]

Ore potential and modes of occurrence of associated elements in lower Cambrian black shale of Western Zhejiang[Abstract][PDF]

Two types of massive sulfide deposits on northern margin of Qaidam basin,Qinghai Province: Ⅰ. Xitieshan style SEDEX lead_zinc deposits[Abstract][PDF]

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