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Geological features and origin of the Xinyu type lron deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Metallogenic regularlty and genesis of tin deposits in Changpu-Jishuimen tin ore zone, guangdong province[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemistry of the Qingchengzi lead-zinc deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Ore-formlng characteristics of the Dulong cassiterite-sulfide type ore deposit in southeastern Yunnan[Abstract][PDF]

Ore materlal sources of the Longshan gold antimony deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Stratabound antimony deposlts in western Hunan[Abstract][PDF]

The discovery of microspherulitic magnetite in the tongguanshan iron-copper deposit and its genetlc signiflcance[Abstract][PDF]

A brief account of the Geoiogicai characteristics of the Guanshandong weathered residual clay type placer Tungsten deposit[Abstract][PDF]

The genesis of silicifled zones"ln southern hunan and their ore-prospecting significance[Abstract][PDF]

A brief discussion on geologlcal characteristics and ore-forming conditions of the Huangmailing phosphorus deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Rare earth mineralization in weathering crust-a nonequilibrium process[Abstract][PDF]

Genetic types of barlte deposlts in china[Abstract][PDF]

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