引用本文:.1989.Stratabound antimony deposlts in western Hunan[J].Mineral Deposits,8(4):49~60
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Author NameAffiliation
鲍振襄 中国有色金属长沙公司245队 
中文关键词:层控锑矿床  地质特征  控矿因素  矿床成因  湖南西部
Stratabound antimony deposlts in western Hunan
Abstract:The stratabound antimony deposits in western Hunan are mainly distributed in the middle and eastern sectors of Xuefeng upwarping zone and assume two sorts of attitude: one is gently conformable stratiform, stratoid and lenticu-tar deposit stretching naturally along ore-hosting strata; the other is steeply dipping cross veinlike deposit stretching along the fault structure of ore-hosting strata. Both sorts of ore deposits are associated wi th gold. The ore deposits occur in specific ore-hosting horizon or lithologic portion, and the metallogenic substances probably came from the depth of the crust and were related to volcanic effusion. The metallogenesis was closely associated with regional metamorphism and strictly controlted by structures, belonging to volcanic deposition-metamorphic hydrothermal type.. Their lead model ages and K-Ar isotopic ages correspond mainly to early Caledonian orogeny and are consistent with the formation time of the regional ore-controlling structure-Xuefeng uplift.
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