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Minerogenic series of metallic deposits related to Mesozoic granites in the Taihangshan-Yanshan orogenic belt and their characteristics[Abstract][PDF]

Geology and sulfur isotope geochemistry of the Tamu-Kalangu lead-zinc deposits, Akto County, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Pb and Nd isotopes of the Dajiangping pyrite deposit, Guangdong Province, and its metallic ore source[Abstract][PDF]

Rhenium-Osmium isotoric ages of sulfides from the Tongkuangyu porphyry copper deposit in the Zhongtiao Mountain[Abstract][PDF]

An analysis of the ore-controlrole of structures in the Fenghuangshan Silver deposit, Guangxi[Abstract][PDF]

The physical and chemical environment of the Fankou lead-zinc deposit formed by submarine hot-springs[Abstract][PDF]

A preliminary discussion on the ore-forming system of plume tectonics[Abstract][PDF]

Fluid inclusion studies of copper, lead, zinc and the deposits in northern margin of north China platform and its northern adjacent areas[Abstract][PDF]

The genesis of the Miaoziwitherite –barytocalcite-barytodolomite deposit in Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Orebody structure in No.1 gallery of the Shimen realgar deposit and ore prospecting at depth[Abstract][PDF]

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