引用本文:.1998.A preliminary discussion on the ore-forming system of plume tectonics[J].Mineral Deposits,17(3):247~255
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Author NameAffiliation
李红阳, 侯增谦 中国地质大学 
中文关键词:幔柱构造, 板块构造, 超大陆旋回, 成矿体系
A preliminary discussion on the ore-forming system of plume tectonics
Abstract:The mode of occurrence, development, classification, metallogenic features, and cyclicity of the ore-forming system of plume tectonics are preliminarily discussed from the angles of plate tectonics and mineral deposits associated with plate boundaries, supercontinental cycles and mineral deposits associated with continental boundaries, mantle hot spots and in tracontrnental mineral deposits, and crust-mantle metallogenic systems. It is considered that the ore-forming system of plume tectonics includes two ore-forming subsystems of hot and cold plumes, which, in turn, consist of five further subdivided ore- forming system scalled mantle hot plume-hot spot subsystem, mantle hot plume-continental rift subsystem, mantle hot plume-ocean floor spreading subsystem, mantle cold plume-Precam brian ensialic orogenic sybsystem and ensialic/ensim atic orogenic sybsystem respectively. Metallogenic series produced by the ore-forming subsystem s are preliminarily divided, and somemineral deposits are illustrated. The ore-forming system of plume tectonics refers to the whole ore-forming process of plume tectonics together with its products. The ore-forming subsystem of mantle hot plume-hot spot, as the starting point of the time-space evolution of the ore-forming system of mantle hot plume, frequently develops into the ore-forming subsystem of mantle hot plume-contrnental rift, mainly giving birth to the ore-forming system of plume tectonics. The ore-forming subsystem of mantle hot plume-ocean floor spreading is a product of the ore- forming subsystem during the late evolution stage of the ore-forming system of plume tectonics.
keywords:plume tectonics, plate tectonics, supercontinental cycle, ore-forming system
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