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Yangtizishan metamorphosed sedimentary titanium deposit:Discovery of new genetic type of titanium deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Composition characteristics of pyroxenes from Pb_Zn deposits in central Fuji an Province and their genetic significance[Abstract][PDF]

Timing and lead and sulfur isotope composition of Xiasai granite ?nd silver po lymetallic deposit in Batang, Sichuan Province[Abstract][PDF]

SEM/EDS constraints on nature of ore_forming fluids in Gangdese porphyry coppe r belt: Case studies of Qulong and Tinggong deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Preliminary study of Chinese mineralization system[Abstract][PDF]

Platinum group elements (PGE) geochemistry of polymetallic nodules in CC zone, east Pacific Ocean[Abstract][PDF]

Ore-controlling features and deep_seated metallogenic prognosis of Yinggezhuang gold belt, Shandong Province[Abstract][PDF]

Ore_controlling structure in Fankou lead_zinc deposit, Guangdong Province[Abstract][PDF]

Characteristics and metallogenic models of phreatic interlayer oxidation zone sandstone_type uranium deposits: Case study of intermontanebasins in Western Yunnan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Position prediction of porphyry copper deposits in Zhongdian island arc based on fuzzy logic[Abstract][PDF]

Development of 3D visual mineral reserves evaluation prototype system[Abstract][PDF]


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