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Ar-Ar dating of orogenic gold deposits in northern margin of Qaidam and East Kunlun Mountains and its geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

Three major metallogenic events in Mesozoic in South China[Abstract][PDF]

Copper ore potential of adakitic intrusives in Gangdese porphyry copper belt: Constrains from rock phase and deep melting process[Abstract][PDF]

Typical ore fabrics of Heiqu_Xuequ stratiform lead_zinc deposit in Hanyuan, Sichuan, and their genetic implications[Abstract][PDF]

Sm-Nd isotopic dating of apatite separates from Heiyingshan high_grade iron deposit, Inner Mongolia[Abstract][PDF]

A SHRIMP U_Pb chronological study of zircons from quartz veins of Yangshan gold deposit, Gansu Province[Abstract][PDF]

Geological characteristics of Dalucao REE deposit in Dechang County,Sichuan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Analysis of geological conditions for prospecting of gold deposits in Dachang tin-polymetallic ore field, Guangxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Origin of Dapinggou gold deposit in Northern Altun area, northwestern China[Abstract][PDF]

Geophysical features and distribution of ore resources in east Kunlun area[Abstract][PDF]

MORPAS-based multi-information prognosis of lead-zinc deposits in Lintan-Dangchang area, Gansu Province[Abstract][PDF]

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