
Other Issues:  


Geological Characteristics and Genesis of the Ashele Copper-zinc Massive Sulfide Deposit, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

The ore-control mechanism of gold deposits in northwestern Jiaodong[Abstract][PDF]

Metasomatic zoning in some major Pb-Zn polymetallic skarn deposits of China[Abstract][PDF]

Geological and geochemical characteristics of organic matter in the carlin-type gold deposits in the northwest and southwest margins of Yangtze Plate[Abstract][PDF]

Ore-control factors and genesis of the Maoyangtou volcanogenic uranium (silver, molybdenum) deposit[Abstract][PDF]

A comparison of ore-forming fluids between gold deposits in Xiaoqinling Mountains and those in Jiaodong peninsula[Abstract][PDF]

Numerical modeling of evolution of ore-forming fluid in the Zijinshan copper-gold deposit, Fujian Province[Abstract][PDF]


A comparative study of ore-forming environments and conditions in Feng-tai and Zha-shan orefields, Qinling Mountains[Abstract][PDF]

Thermodynamic study of Uranium migration forms in the west Qinling Uranium field[Abstract][PDF]

New Advances in the Study of Granite-Related Rare Metal Deposits[Abstract][PDF]

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