胶东西北部金矿的控制因素 |
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引用本文:.1997.The ore-control mechanism of gold deposits in northwestern Jiaodong[J].Mineral Deposits,16(2):107~119 |
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基金项目:“八五”地质矿产部定向基金项项目 (G35) |
中文摘要:胶东西北部是我同重要的金矿产区,其金矿化具有东西成带、北东成列及北强南弱的空间分布特点。作者借助1 6条重磁剖面的反演及岩体形成温压条件的计算,确定了玲珑花岗杂岩的岩源及空间形态,并建立了重熔岩浆及其流体的模拟数学模型,指出太古宙基底建造、变质相带、北东及东西向构造、玲珑花岗杂岩的空间形态、岩源、重熔机制、形成的物化条件,以及燕山期热事件的强度,综合制约着胶东西北部金矿的区域分布,认为上述条件的差异,是控制各构造-岩区金成矿特征和成矿潜能差异的因素。 |
中文关键词:金矿床 玲珑花岗杂岩 重熔作用 矿床模型 胶东 |
The ore-control mechanism of gold deposits in northwestern Jiaodong |
Abstract:The distribution of most gold deposits in northwestern Jiaodong is controlled by Archean basement formation. The second time concentration occurred during migmatization and metamorphism. Most of the large-size and medium-size gold deposits are located in the amphibolite facies of the low-grade metamorphic zone. Linglong granitic body is a complex formed through thermal events of many stages. Guojialing and Guojiadian granitic bodies related to large- and medium-size gold deposits were eventually formed in Yanshanian period. The main problems discussed in this paper include spatial shape and parent rocks of the granitic body, physicochemical conditions for its formation and mathematical simulation model of gold distribution. The Mechanism governing the distribution of gold deposits in belts in east-west direction and in rows in northeast direction and the variations in mineral potentials of different terrain are discussed. The southern part and the northern part of northwestern Jiaodong exhibit remarkable differences in metallogenic characteristics and ore potential. |
keywords:gold deposit, ore-control factor, remelting, model of ore deposit, Jiaodong |
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