
Other Issues:  


On the two genetic series of granites in south-eastern China and their metallogenetic characteristics[Abstract][PDF]

The combination, metallogenetic seres as well as geologic and geochemical characteristics of the evolution of the Precambrian iron deposits in northern Shanxi[Abstract][PDF]

A discussion on the main types of Nickel deposits in China with an approach to their relations with the paleoplate tectonics[Abstract][PDF]

Lower Cambrian black argillaceous and arenaceous rock series in south China and its associated stratiform deposits[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemistry of Scandium as applied to the problem of iron ore genesis[Abstract][PDF]

Main types of Sulphur deposits in China with special reference to their metallogenesis[Abstract][PDF]

A discussion on the geological features and the origin of the Kaolinite deposits of Xuyong type[Abstract][PDF]

The classification of mineral inclusions and its significance (A new scheme for the classification of inclusions)[Abstract][PDF]

Some special decrepitation phenomena of pneumato-hydatogenetic inclusions of minerals[Abstract][PDF]

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