引用本文:.1982.Some special decrepitation phenomena of pneumato-hydatogenetic inclusions of minerals[J].Mineral Deposits,1(2):92~96
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单林 华东地质学院 
Some special decrepitation phenomena of pneumato-hydatogenetic inclusions of minerals
Abstract:In the process of measuring the temperature of a great number of pneumato-hydatogenetic inclusions the author has found that some of them change abnormally both in gaseous and aqueous phases. The facts are enumerated as follows: 1. The blebs will increase in volume and decrepitate before the homogenization takes place when some fluid inclusions are heated. 2. The blebs will decrease in volume and decrepitate before the homogenization takes place when some inclusions are heated. 3. The blebs wm expand first, then contract when some fluid inclusions are heated. 4. Some fluid inclusions will be homogenized twice when heated. 5. For saline minerals, the inclusions of pure hydatogenetic phase will produce blebs when heated, and the blebs will increase in volume with the rise of temperature till decrepitation happens. The author therefore makes the suggestion that a clear distinction should be made between normal and abnormal phenomena in measuring the temperature of pneumato-hydatogenic inclusions, otherwise the ore-forming temperature cannot be determined with confidence.
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