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Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb age of intrusion from Xiaotuergen copper deposit in Alta y, Xinjiang, and its geological significance[Abstract][PDF]

A preliminary study of geological features and metallogenic epoch in Keyue Zn-polymetallic deposit, Tibet[Abstract][PDF]

Porphyritic-overlapped mineralization of Tuwu and Yandong copper deposits in Eastern Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang[Abstract][PDF]

Mineralogy, element geochemistry and genesis of tourmaline from Galinge skarn deposit, Qinghai Province[Abstract][PDF]

Ore-forming fluid and metallogenic mechanism of Tianwangtaishan gold depos it, Heilongjiang Province[Abstract][PDF]

Re-Os isotopic dating of molybdenite from Luanling gold deposit in Xiong'er Mo untain ore concentration area of western Henan Province and its geological sig nificance[Abstract][PDF]

Evolution of ore-forming fluids in Guihuachong copper deposit, Anhui Province[Abstract][PDF]

Fluid inclusions study of Shuangpengxi skarn type gold-copper deposit in west Qinling, Qinghai Province[Abstract][PDF]

Mineral chemistry of biotite and chlorite in western part of Fucheng granite, southern Jiangxi Province: Implications for uranium mineralization[Abstract][PDF]

A study of minerogenetic series of mineral deposits in Shandong Province[Abstract][PDF]

Mineralogical and sulfur isotope characteristics of Huashugou copper deposit i n Northern Qilian: Implications for metallogenesis[Abstract][PDF]

Boron isotope geochemical study of mudstone in Longhu mining area of Laos: A c ase study of ZK309[Abstract][PDF]




Characteristics of ore-forming fluid in Honghuaerji scheelite deposit, Inner M ongolia[Abstract][PDF]



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