
Other Issues:  


Geology and metallogeny of the Shizhuyuan skarn-gresen W-Sn-Mo-Bi deposit, Hunan Province[Abstract][PDF]

Genetic identification of syndepositional fabrics in sulfide ores[Abstract][PDF]

Evolution and distribution of hydrothermal fluids in the Shaxi porphyry copper deposit, Anhui Province[Abstract][PDF]

Some key structural problems of the Dongchuan ore district and prospective evaluation of copper deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Geochemistry of mineralization in the Zhazixi antimony ore belt on the margin of the Jiangnan old land[Abstract][PDF]

Geological-geochemical characteristics and genesis of the Xiaoqinggou Ag-Mn deposit, Shanxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

Thermal maturation anomalies of organic materials in a uranium deposit of south China and its significance in metallogeny[Abstract][PDF]

Modes of occurrence and distribution of gold in Xiaoqinling gold deposits, Shaanxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

A discussion on the new genetic model for lamprophyres and gold mineralization[Abstract][PDF]

A preliminary discussion on the genesis of the Yangxi dike alteration type Kaolin deposit Suzhou, Jiangsu Province[Abstract][PDF]


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