引用本文:.1996.Geochemistry of mineralization in the Zhazixi antimony ore belt on the margin of the Jiangnan old land[J].Mineral Deposits,15(1):41~52
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Author NameAffiliation
何江,马东升,刘英俊 南京大学地球科学系 
基金项目:国家自然科学基金( 4917 3171)、高等院校博士点基金资助项目
中文关键词:渣滓溪锑矿带  地球化学  成矿流体
Geochemistry of mineralization in the Zhazixi antimony ore belt on the margin of the Jiangnan old land
Abstract:Based on a geochemical comparison between ore-control strata and ore deposits, the present paper points out that Sb(Au) mineralizations well-developed in Proterozoic Banxi Group of western Hunan are consistent with high-discretization and multi-kurtosis distribution of ore-forming elements in the ore-control strata. The high-discretization and multi-kurtosis distribution characteristics of ore-forming elements may serve as favorable geochemical criteria for ore-prospecting in this region. From Woxi Au-Sb (W) mineralization within the Jiangnan old land to Zhazixi Sb mineralization on the margin of the old land, ES concentration of the mineralizing fluids decreases obviously, and the proportion of meteoric water gets increasingly larger. Sulfur ligand and its concentration in ore-forming fluids as well as temperature of the fluids constitute major geochemical mechanism controlling Sb, Au mineralization and its zoning in western Hunan, whereas abundances of ore-forming elements in the ore-control strata merely play subordinate role. Ore-forming fluids characterized by relatively high temperature ( tmax264℃, early average temperature of the principal ore-forming stage 232℃) and rich sulfur (1.86 mol/l )and ore-forming fluids noted for relatively low temperature (tmax 222℃, early average temperature of the principal ore-forming stage 198℃) and low sulfur (0.25 mol/l) control Woxi Au-Sb mineralization and Zhazixi Sb mineralization respectively.
keywords:Zhazixi antimony ore belt, geochemistry, ore-forming fluid
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