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Horizon,Type And Formation' Conditions Of The Late Pre-Cambrian Banded Iron Ores In South China[Abstract][PDF]

The Formation Condition Of 'Rhe Precambrian Iron Ores In Yuanjiacun Ore Deposit, Shanxi Province[Abstract][PDF]

The Metasomatic Series of the Yangjiazhangzi Molybdenum Ore Field[Abstract][PDF]

The Alteration Zoning And Origin Of The Tongguanshan Stratabound Skarn Type Copper Deposit[Abstract][PDF]

A Study On Geology And Genesis Of The Tiezhang Tin Deposit, Zijin County, Guangdong Province[Abstract][PDF]

Geological Characteristics And Ore Genesis Of The Xiaooinling Gold Field[Abstract][PDF]

Genetic Subtype Classification Of Sedimentary Deposits And Genesis Of Sedimentary Siderite[Abstract][PDF]

Some Structural Models For Uranium Deposits And Their Implicatlojns In Ore Prospecti'ng[Abstract][PDF]

A Discussion On Petrogenesis Of Rare Metal Granites[Abstract][PDF]

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