引用本文:.1987.A Discussion On Petrogenesis Of Rare Metal Granites[J].Mineral Deposits,6(1):88~96
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Author NameAffiliation
袁忠信, 白鸽, 杨岳清 中国地质科学院矿床地质研究所 
中文关键词:稀有金属花岗岩  地质产状  矿物的溶蚀交代  矿物测温  长石成分  自交代作用
A Discussion On Petrogenesis Of Rare Metal Granites
Abstract:Based on an analysis of the following geological phenomena, the authors hold that most of the rare metal granites must have been formed by autometasomatism whereas only very few ones are products of magmatic crystallization: l. The rare metal granite is frequently rich in alkaline and volatile minerals and often displays a zoned distribution of various minerals (Figs. 1, 2) as well as an obvious variation in petrochemical and mineralogical compasitions in upward direction (Figs.3,4) ; 2. In this kind of granites there always exists a substitution of one mineral for another, thus giving birth to such alterations as albitization, greisenization and topazization (photos l-12); 3.The thermometric data of inclusions in two rock bodies suggest that the formation temperatures of quartz can be divided into two groups, i.e., >500℃ and <500℃, with the first group probably denoting temperatures of magmatic crystallization and the second group those of metasomatism (the formation temperatures of microlite and manganotantalite, i.e., 315-320℃, are consistent with those of the second group) . 4. Albite in these granites is invariably characterized by An<3 while K-feldspar by Ab
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