Received:November 01, 2024  Revised:November 22, 2024  点此下载全文
引用本文:YAO Wei,LIU Peng,YANG WenQiang.2024.Quantitative analysis of composition of Yuchuanite-(Y)[J].Mineral Deposits,43(6):1428~1437
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Author NameAffiliationE-mail
YAO Wei Xi'an Mineral Resources Survey Center, China Geological Survey, Xi'an 710100, Shaanxi, China
State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, Shaanxi, China 
LIU Peng State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, Shaanxi, China  
YANG WenQiang State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, Shaanxi, China ywq@nwu.edu.cn 
中文摘要:毓川碳钇矿是在粤东北玉水铜矿中发现的一种含水碳酸盐重稀土矿物,化学式为Y2(CO3)3·H2O,是以陈毓川院士的名字命名的,已获得国际矿物学协会新矿物命名与分类专业委员会的批准(IMA 2022-120)。文章在概述毓川碳钇矿形成的地质背景、产状、物理性质和晶体结构基础上,侧重介绍毓川碳钇矿的电子探针定量分析方法。电子探针分析是对新矿物进行精确化学成分定量分析的主要手段,然而,重稀土矿物电子探针分析测试难度大,而且碳酸盐矿物或含水矿物在电子束轰击下计数强度常会随时间发生变化,另外CO2和H2O的含量一般由计算获得,因此毓川碳钇矿的电子探针分析面临巨大挑战。笔者从分析流程、测试条件和校正标样等方面进行了探索,最终获得了毓川碳钇矿的定量分析结果。这不仅为新矿物的成功申请奠定基础,同时也为碳酸盐重稀土矿物电子探针分析测试工作积累了经验。
中文关键词:毓川碳钇矿  含水碳酸盐矿物  重稀土矿物  电子探针分析  玉水铜矿
Quantitative analysis of composition of Yuchuanite-(Y)
Abstract:Yuchuanite-(Y) is a hydrous heavy rare earth carbonate mineral found in Yushui copper deposit,northeastern Guangdong Province. The chemical formula is Y2(CO3)3·H2O, and this mineral was named after Academician Yuchuan Chen, which has been approved by the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA 2022-120). This paper provides an overview of the geological background, occurrence, physical properties, and crystal structure of yuchuanite-(Y), with a particular focus on its quantitative analysis using Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer (EPMA). EPMA is the primary method for accurate quantitative analysis of new minerals, however, the testing of heavy rare earth minerals poses significant challenges. The counting intensities of carbonate and hydrous minerals can vary over time under electron beam bombardment, and the contents of CO2 and H2O are generally calculated rather than measured directly. In this study, we explored the analysis process, test conditions and reference materials, and finally obtained quantitative analysis results of yuchuanite-(Y). This not only provides basis for the proposal of a new mineral but also brings valuable insights for the analysis of heavy rare earth carbonate minerals.
keywords:Yuchuanite-(Y)  hydrous carbonate minerals  heavy rare earth minerals  EPMA  Yushui copper deposit
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