Received:July 18, 2018  Revised:September 27, 2018  点此下载全文
引用本文:LIU Bo,SHI ZhiQiang,PENG YunBiao,LI Peng,WANG Qiang,ZHANG PengFei,WANG HaoFeng.2020.Geological characteristics and uranium metallogenic model of Tamusu uranium deposit in Bayin Gobi Basin[J].Mineral Deposits,39(1):168~183
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Author NameAffiliationE-mail
LIU Bo Institute of Sedimentary Geology, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, Sichuan, China
No. 208 Geological Party, Bureau of Nuclear Industry, Baotou 014010, Inner Mongolia, China 
SHI ZhiQiang Institute of Sedimentary Geology, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, Sichuan, China 312334691@qq.com 
PENG YunBiao No. 208 Geological Party, Bureau of Nuclear Industry, Baotou 014010, Inner Mongolia, China  
LI Peng No. 208 Geological Party, Bureau of Nuclear Industry, Baotou 014010, Inner Mongolia, China  
WANG Qiang No. 208 Geological Party, Bureau of Nuclear Industry, Baotou 014010, Inner Mongolia, China  
ZHANG PengFei No. 208 Geological Party, Bureau of Nuclear Industry, Baotou 014010, Inner Mongolia, China  
WANG HaoFeng No. 208 Geological Party, Bureau of Nuclear Industry, Baotou 014010, Inner Mongolia, China  
中文关键词:地质学  巴音戈壁组上段二岩段  因格井凹陷  层间氧化带  矿床模式  巴音戈壁盆地
Geological characteristics and uranium metallogenic model of Tamusu uranium deposit in Bayin Gobi Basin
Abstract:Bayin Gobi Basin is an important energy basin in northern China. Based on a study of the geological characteristics of the Tamusu uranium deposit, the authors found that the deposit was developed on the Bayin Gobi micro-slope of Ingejin sag, and the denudation windows of Late Cretaceous and Paleogene period provided favorable conditions for the migration of ore-forming fluids into the basin. The main target bed of the deposit is the 2nd member of the Lower Cretaceous Upper Bayin Gobi Formation, composed mainly of fan delta-lacustrine deposits and fan delta sandbodies. The 2nd member of the Upper Bayin Gobi Formation, the 1st member and the 3rd member of the Upper Bayin Gobi Formation formed a favorable "mud-sand-mud" stratigraphic structure, which is conducive to the migration of uranium-bearing oxygen-bearing water into the basin and the occurrence of interlayer oxidation. The oxidation zones in the deposit can be divided into complete oxidation zones, oxidation-reduction transition zones and reduction zones. The orebodies are mainly located in the oxidation-reduction transition zones, which are controlled by the front of the oxidation zone and the oxidation-reduction transition zones. The reductive media involved in uranium mineralization were mainly internal reductive media and external reducing media. The internal reductiuon media were composed of the organic matter and pyrite of the target layer itself, the external reduction media were the organic matter developed in the dark mudstone of the 1st and 3rd member of the Upper Bayin Gobi Formation, and the deep oil (gas) and some other materials. Uranium mineralization in the basin was closely related to the tectonic-thermal events in the basin. Uranium mineralization occurred at three stages:the first stage occurred in the Middle and Late Early Cretaceous, from(109.7±1.5) Ma to (115.5±1.5) Ma; the second stage occurred in the Late Cretaceous, from(45.4±0.6) Ma to(70.9±1.0) Ma; the third stage occurred in the Neogene, from(12.3±0.2) Ma to(2.5±0) Ma. The orebodies of the Tamusu uranium deposit are mainly of sandstone type, sand mud mixed type, later mudstone type and syngenetic type. The mudstone type is controlled obviously by interlayer oxidation zone and sedimentary facies transformation. The uranium metallogenic model and orebody genetic model of the deposit were established by studying the characteristics of the deposit structure, target bed sedimentary system, oxidation zone, organic matter and uranium mineralization, which lays a foundation for the study of the indicators of late uranium mineralization.
keywords:geology  2nd member of the Upper Bayin Gobi Formation  Yingejin sag  interlayer oxidation zone  ore deposit model  Bayin Gobi Basin
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