Received:November 09, 2018  Revised:February 02, 2019  点此下载全文
引用本文:QIAN WenDao,YIN TaiJu,LI XueSen.2019.Characteristics of high-precision magnetic anomaly in Cen'gong Block and its geological significance[J].Mineral Deposits,38(2):449~458
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Author NameAffiliationE-mail
QIAN WenDao School of Earth Scince Yangtze University, Wuhan 430100, Hubei, China  
YIN TaiJu School of Earth Scince Yangtze University, Wuhan 430100, Hubei, China yintaij@yangtzeu.edu.cn 
LI XueSen College of Earth Scince Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541006, Guangxi, China  
中文摘要:中国南方地区地表条件复杂,碳酸盐地层发育,高阻碳酸盐岩地层阻挡了地震弹性波向下穿透,难以获取构造、层位,尤其是深部可靠信息,导致常规地震勘探方法受到限制。文章基于野外高精度磁法勘探,采用数据校正、空间变换、导数转换、平滑滤波和正则化滤波等数据处理技术,分析探测对象磁性差异所引起的磁异常,对研究区磁性基底埋深进行反演计算。研究结果获得的磁性基底为与中元古界顶界相当的变质岩磁性界面,深度在2~4 km,反映了盆地内变质结晶基底的构造形态和起伏特征。另外,文章初步分析和探讨了引起磁正负异常地质要素,指出磁负异常与上扬子下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩气富集区具有很好空间匹配关系。
中文关键词:地质学  页岩气  牛蹄塘组  磁法勘探  磁异常  基底
Characteristics of high-precision magnetic anomaly in Cen'gong Block and its geological significance
Abstract:As the surface complex conditions in southern China and high-resistance carbonate reservoir, which inhibits the seismic elastic waves from penetrating downwards, it is difficult to identify geological structure and divide target layers, especially detect reliable information about the deep burial depth. This limited the use of conventional seismic exploration methods. Based on high-precision magnetic exploration, the authors used data correction techniques such as data correction, spatial transformation, derivative conversion, smoothing filtering and regularization filtering to analyze the magnetic anomalies caused by the magnetic differences of the detected objects, and to conduct inversion calculation of the buried depth of the magnetic base in the study area. The magnetic substrate obtained in this paper is a metamorphic rock magnetic interface equivalent to the top boundary of the Mesoproterozoic, with a depth of 2 to 4 km, reflecting the structural morphology and undulation characteristics of the metamorphic crystalline basement in the basin. The geological factors causing positive and negative magnetic anomalies have been discussed. It is shown that the magnetic anomaly has a good spatial matching relationship with the shale gas enrichment area in the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation.
keywords:geology  shale gas  Niutitang Formation  magnetic exploration  magnetic anomaly  basement
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