Received:December 25, 2016  Revised:February 28, 2018  点此下载全文
引用本文:LIU RuiLin,WU Guang,CHENG GongZheng,LI TieGang,JIANG Biao,WU LiWen,ZHANG PeiChun,ZHANG Tong,CHEN YuChuan.2018.Characteristics of fluid inclusions and H-O-C-S-Pb isotopes of Weilasituo Sn-polymetallic deposit in southern Da Hinggan Mountains[J].Mineral Deposits,37(2):199~224
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Author NameAffiliationE-mail
LIU RuiLin MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China
Key Laboratory of Orogen and Crust Evolution, Ministry of Education, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 
WU Guang MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China wuguang65@163.com 
CHENG GongZheng School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China  
LI TieGang MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China  
JIANG Biao MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China  
WU LiWen Inner Mongo-lia Institute of Geological Survey, Hohhot 010020, Inner Mongolia, China  
ZHANG PeiChun Inner Mongo-lia Institute of Geological Survey, Hohhot 010020, Inner Mongolia, China  
ZHANG Tong Inner Mongo-lia Institute of Geological Survey, Hohhot 010020, Inner Mongolia, China  
CHEN YuChuan Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China  
中文关键词:地球化学  流体包裹体  H-O-C-S-Pb同位素  锡多金属矿床  维拉斯托  大兴安岭南段
Characteristics of fluid inclusions and H-O-C-S-Pb isotopes of Weilasituo Sn-polymetallic deposit in southern Da Hinggan Mountains
Abstract:The Weilasituo Sn-polymetallic deposit, located on the west slope of the southern Da Hinggan Mountains, is a large-sized tin (Sn) deposit associated with zinc (Zn), tungsten (W), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), rubidium (Rb), niobium (Nb), tantalum (Ta), and lithium (Li). Three types of mineralization are developed in the deposit, i.e., the altered granite-type orebody dominated by Sn and associated Zn, Rb, Nb, and Ta in the depth, the cryptoexplosive breccia-type orebody dominated by Li with Sn, Zn, Cu and Rb in the middle depth, and the quartz vein-type Sn, W, Zn, Cu, and Mo orebody in the shallow part. Of them, the quartz vein-type orebodies have the most economically value and are hosted within NNE-trending faulted and shattered zones which occur in the Paleoproterozoic Baoyintu Group and the Middle Variscan quartz diorite, while the ore grade of the altered granite-and cryptoexplosive breccia-type orebodies is usually low. The ore-forming process of the deposit can be divided into four stages, i.e. albitization-amazonitization stage (Ⅰ), greisenization stage (Ⅱ), Sn-W oxide-polymetallic sulfide stage (Ⅲ), and Mo-polymetallic sulfide stage (Ⅳ). In order to find out the properties of the ore fluids, source of ore fluids and ore-forming materials as well as mineral precipitation mechanism of the deposit, the authors carried out fluid inclusion study and H-O-C isotopic analysis for quartz veins and S-Pb isotopic analysis for sulfides from stages I, Ⅲ, and IV of the deposit. Four types of fuid inclusions have been distinguished in various quartz veins, i.e., liquid-rich (WL type), gas-rich (WG type), H2O-CO2 (C type), and daughter mineral-bearing inclusions (S type). The fuid inclusions in the stage I contain WL-, WG-, and S-types, and their homogenization temperatures and salinities w(NaCleq) vary from 372℃ to 473℃ and 5.3% to 50.9%, respectively, whereas the fuid inclusions in the stage Ⅲ contain also WL-, WG-, and S-types, and their homogenization temperatures and salinities vary from 243℃ to 412℃ and 4.3% to 48.5% NaCleqv, respectively. In addition, the fluid inclusions in the stage IV contain WL-, WG-, C-, and S-types, and their homogenization temperatures and salinities vary from 215℃ to 414℃ and 4.1 to 48.5% w(NaCleq), respectively. The δ18OH2O and δDH2O values of ore-forming fluids vary from 2.4‰ to 8.5‰ and -120‰ to -79‰, respectively, indicating that the ore-forming fluids mainly originated from the magma. The δ13C value varies from -15.5‰ to -14.9‰, which is consistent with the δ13C value of evolutional granitic magma, implying that the ore-forming fluids mainly originated from magma with minor atmospheric water. The δ34S values of metallic sulfides from ore range from -4.6‰ to -2.2‰. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb, values of metallic sulfides vary from 18.310 to 18.381, 15.531 to 15.584, and 38.151 to 38.326, respectively. Both S and Pb isotopes indicate that the ore-forming materials of the Weilasituo deposit chiefly originated from the granitic magma. The Weilasituo Sn-polymetallic deposit belongs to a magmatic medium-to-high temperature hydrothermal deposit, and its mineralization was closely related to the Early Cretaceous porphyritic fine-grained alkali-feldspar granite in the Weilasituo ore district. The boiling and cooling of the ore fluids seem to have been the dominant mechanism for mineral precipitation.
keywords:geochemistry  fluid inclusions  H-O-C-S-Pb isotopes  tin-polymetallic deposit  Weilasituo  southern Da Hinggan Mountains
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