Received:March 28, 2013  Revised:January 25, 2014  点此下载全文
引用本文:ZENG Yong,GUO WeiMin,XIANG HongLi,YAO ChunYan,DONG YongGuan.2015.Massive Fe-Cu-Au polymetallic deposits metallogenesis in Carajás mineral province of Brazil[J].Mineral Deposits,34(4):828~841
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Author NameAffiliation
ZENG Yong China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, China
Nanjing Center of China Geological Survey, Nanjing 210016, Jiangsu, China 
GUO WeiMin Nanjing Center of China Geological Survey, Nanjing 210016, Jiangsu, China 
XIANG HongLi Nanjing Center of China Geological Survey, Nanjing 210016, Jiangsu, China 
YAO ChunYan Nanjing Center of China Geological Survey, Nanjing 210016, Jiangsu, China 
DONG YongGuan Nanjing Center of China Geological Survey, Nanjing 210016, Jiangsu, China 
基金项目:本文得到中国地质调查局地质矿产调查评价项目"南美重要矿床地质背景成矿作用和找矿潜力研究(编号: 1212011220909)"和中央地质勘查基金境外风险勘查项目"南美地台优势矿产资源成矿规律与潜力分析(编号: 201130D6200119)"联合资助
中文关键词:地质学  铁-铜-金矿床  成矿作用  卡拉加斯  巴西
Massive Fe-Cu-Au polymetallic deposits metallogenesis in Carajás mineral province of Brazil
Abstract:The Carajás province of Brazil is one of the world famous metallogenic regions with various types of deposits and high concentration of minerals. It is well known for huge shallow enrichment type Fe-Mn deposits. In recent years the world's largest iron oxide Cu-Au deposits and some distinctive small vein type Cu-Au (W-Sn) deposits, epithermal Au-Pd-Pt deposits, sedimentary Mn deposits and Ni-Cr deposits related to ultrabasic rocks were discovered in this province. A comprehensive study shows that four periods of metallogenesis occurred in this region, namely early Neo-Archaeozoic Fe-Mn metallogenesis, late Neo-Archaeozoic Cu-Au-U-REE metallogenesis, late Paleoproterozoic Cu-Au(W-Sn) metallogenesis, and late Neoproterozoic Au-Cu metallogenesis. The Cenozoic supergenesis, especially laterized desilication enrichment, transformed Carajás into a large Cu-Au mineral province.
keywords:geology  Fe-Cu-Au deposits  metallogenesis  Carajás  Brazil
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