Received:April 26, 2013  Revised:December 20, 2014  点此下载全文
引用本文:CHEN Jing,CHEN YanJing,ZHONG Jun,SUN Yi,QI JinPing,LI Jing.2015.Geological and ore-fluid characteristics of Longjiangting Cu deposit in Zijinshan Orefield, Fujian Province, and their genetic implications[J].Mineral Deposits,34(1):98~118
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Author NameAffiliationE-mail
CHEN Jing Key Laboratory of Orogen and Crust Evolution, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China  
CHEN YanJing Key Laboratory of Orogen and Crust Evolution, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China yjchen@pku.edu.cn 
ZHONG Jun Key Laboratory of Orogen and Crust Evolution, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China  
SUN Yi Key Laboratory of Orogen and Crust Evolution, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China  
QI JinPing Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd., Shanghang 364200, Fujian, China  
LI Jing Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd., Shanghang 364200, Fujian, China  
中文关键词:地球化学  地质特征  流体包裹体  龙江亭矿床  紫金山矿田
Geological and ore-fluid characteristics of Longjiangting Cu deposit in Zijinshan Orefield, Fujian Province, and their genetic implications
Abstract:The Longjiangting Cu deposit is located in the southwest of the Zijinshan orefield, Fujian Province. It is hosted in the Early Yanshanian granites and structurally controlled by the NW-trending faults. The ore-hosting granite was wholly altered by quartz-sericite-illite-montmorillonite association, with limited quartz-potassic feldspar zone at depth, but strong quartz-dickite alteration in the shallow part. The post-ore silicification, Kaolinite and limonites alteration are mainly present at the surface. Crosscutting relationships show that the pre-ore, syn-ore and post-ore veins are dominated by mineralogical associations of sulfide-barren quartz, quartz-sericite-pyrite-copper sulfides and quartz-calcite±gypsum, respectively. On the basis of the ore structure and mineral assemblages, the syn-ore veining period can be subdivided into three stages. The early-stage veins mainly occur in the deep part of the orebody, containing pyrite and chalcopyrite as ore minerals which occur as spotted disseminations, disseminated veinlets and stockworks. The middle-stage veins contain pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite and enargite, and show comb, colloform and crustiform structures. The late-stage veins are represented by the assemblage of digenite-covellite, and show dissemination and drusy structures. The early stage minerals contain aqueous fluid inclusions with variable vapor/liquid ratios, with homogenization temperatures of 262~403℃ (peak around 250℃) and salinity of 0.2%~18.6%. Only liquid-rich aqueous inclusions can be observed in minerals of middle and late stages, which yield homogenization temperatures of 201~302℃ for middle stage, and 117~250℃ for late stage, corresponding to salinities of 0.2%~10.1% and 0.4%~9.5%, respectively, indicating that the epithermal NaCl-H2O system was dominated by meteoric water. According to the types of hydrothermal alterations, the logf(O2) and pH values are estimated to be -42 to -38, and 3 to 5, respectively. The logf(S2) (sulfur fugacity) values in the fluids, estimated from sulfide assemblages, were ca. -9 in middle stage and ca. -6.5 in late stage, respectively. Hence the logf(S2)-T evolution of the Longjiangting mineral system is different from the worldwide porphyry-epithermal systems, suggesting that the Longjiangting Cu deposit was formed by two hydrothermal events, i.e., the early porphyry-type mineralization and the late high-sulfidation epithermal process. It is the epithermal overprinting of a porphyry Cu system that resulted in the complexity in mineral assemblages, alteration types and ore structures and textures in the Longjiangting deposit. On the other hand, the characteristics of the porphyry-type mineralization were partly inherited in the epithermal process. The deposit is a combination of porphyry-type and high-sulfidation epithermal type, rather than a transition from porphyry to epithermal types.
keywords:geochemistry  geological characteristics  fluid inclusion  Longjiangting Cu deposit  Zijinshan orefield
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