Received:July 09, 2013  Revised:November 08, 2013  点此下载全文
引用本文:WANG JingBin,ZOU Tao,WANG YuWang,LONG LingLi,ZHANG HuiQiong,LIAO Zhen,XIE HongJing.2014.Deposit associations, metallogenesis and metallogenic lineage of molybdenum-polymetallic deposits in China[J].Mineral Deposits,33(3):447~470
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Author NameAffiliation
WANG JingBin Beijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources, Beijing 100012, China
China Non-ferrous Metals Resource Geological Survey, Beijing 100012, China 
ZOU Tao China Non-ferrous Metals Resource Geological Survey, Beijing 100012, China 
WANG YuWang Beijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources, Beijing 100012, China
Sinotech Mineral Exploration Co., Ltd., Beijing 100012, China 
LONG LingLi China Non-ferrous Metals Resource Geological Survey, Beijing 100012, China 
ZHANG HuiQiong China Non-ferrous Metals Resource Geological Survey, Beijing 100012, China 
LIAO Zhen China Non-ferrous Metals Resource Geological Survey, Beijing 100012, China 
XIE HongJing Sinotech Mineral Exploration Co., Ltd., Beijing 100012, China 
中文摘要:中国钼矿资源丰富,近十几年来,钼矿找矿工作取得了重大的突破。文章以中国目前发现的104个中型以上的钼多金属矿床为基础,基于前人的研究成果,从矿床类型、成矿岩体特征、成矿作用等方面,对中国钼多金属矿床进行了较全面的总结,并从成矿谱系角度分析了矿床之间的内在联系。中国钼多金属矿床可分为6种组合类型:独立钼矿、Mo-Au组合、Mo-Cu(Au)组合、Mo-Pb-Zn组合、Mo-W组合、Mo-Fe组合。通过含矿岩系的岩体特征、岩石学特征、岩石地球化学和同位素特征的对比分析,将中国钼多金属矿床的成矿岩体分为3种类型:① 壳源(下地壳为主)高氧化、低演化岩浆;② 壳源(上地壳为主)低氧化、高演化岩浆;③ 壳幔混源岩浆。不同矿床组合的矿体空间组合样式主要表现为:Mo-Cu(Au)、Mo-Pb-Zn和Mo-Fe组合以倾向渐变式为主,Mo-Au矿床以走向渐变式为主。矿化分带表现为:岩体中以Mo、Cu、W矿化为主,接触带以Fe、Pb-Zn、Cu(Au)矿化为主,围岩中以Pb-Zn、Au矿化为主。在成矿阶段特征上,中国钼多金属矿床可分为矽卡岩化阶段(以Fe、W、Mo矿化为主)、云英岩化阶段(以W、Mo矿化为主)、高中温热液阶段(以Mo、W、Cu矿化为主)和中低温热液阶段(以Cu、Au、Pb-Zn、Ag矿化为主)。Mo-W、Mo-Au组合的成矿岩体以壳源为主,独立钼矿、Mo-Cu(Au)、Mo-Fe组合以壳幔混源为主。钼多金属矿床的金属沉淀机制主要体现在:① 反应机制(地球化学障),包括矽卡岩矿床中的硅-钙界面、由热液引起的围岩蚀变以及由构造作用引起的构造地球化学障等;② 减压降温机制;③ 流体混合机制。总体上,上述6类钼多金属矿床组合可分为2个成矿谱系:Mo-W-Pb-Zn成矿谱系,与成矿有关的岩浆岩具有壳源特征,岩浆分异程度较高;Mo-Cu-Fe-Pb-Zn-(Au)成矿谱系,其成矿岩浆岩多具有壳幔混源特征。
中文关键词:地质学  钼多金属矿床  元素组合类型  成矿岩体  成矿谱系  成矿机制  中国
Deposit associations, metallogenesis and metallogenic lineage of molybdenum-polymetallic deposits in China
Abstract:China is rich in molybdenum resources and hosts several world-class molybdenum belts. In the last decade, many large/giant Mo deposits were discovered in China. Based on the study of 104 Mo deposits in China, this paper summarizes the mineralization types, metallogenic intrusions and metallogenesis of Mo-polymetallic deposits, and analyzes the intrinsic link between these deposits. The Mo deposits in China can be divided into six association types: Mo only, Mo-Au, Mo-Cu(Au), Mo-Pb-Zn, Mo-W and Mo-Fe. According to the geology, petrology, geochemistry and isotopic characteristics of the related intrusions, the metallogenic intrusions can be divided into three types, i.e., ① crust-derived magma (mainly lower crust) with high oxidation and low differentiation; ② crust-derived magma (mainly upper crust) with low oxidation and high differentiation; and ③ crust-mantle mixed magma. Different spatial association styles of orebodies have been recognized, i.e., Mo-Cu(Au), Mo-Pb-Zn and Mo-Fe deposits characterized by gradational contact, with Mo-Au deposit represented by abrupt contact. From intrusion through contact zone to host rocks, the mineralization is demonstrated by Mo-Cu-W, Fe-Pb-Zn-Cu-Au and Pb-Zn, Au, respectively. The ore-forming stages of Mo-polymetallic deposits include skarn (Fe-W-Mo mineralization), greisenization (W-Mo mineralization), high-middle-temperature hydrothermal (Mo-W-Cu), and middle-low-temperature hydrothermal (Cu-Au-Pb-Zn-Ag) stages. The ore-forming materials of Mo-W and Mo-Au deposits were derived from the crust, and the Mo only, Mo-Cu(Au) and Mo-Fe deposits were mainly from the mixing of the crust-mantle. The metal precipitation mechanisms of Mo-polymetallic deposits include ① water-rock reaction (geochemical barrier); ② reduction of pressure and decrease of temperature; ③ fluid mixing. In sum, the above-mentioned six types of Mo-polymetallic deposits can be grouped into two metallogenic lineages: ① the Mo-W-Pb-Zn metallogenic lineage characterized by crust-sourced and high differentiated magma; ② Mo-Cu-Fe-Pb-Zn-(Au) metallogenic lineage characterized by crust-mantle mixing sourced magma.
keywords:geology  molybdenum-polymetallic deposit  metallogenic elements association  metallogenic intrusion  ore-forming lineage  metallogenic mechanism  China
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