Received:March 10, 2011  Revised:August 31, 2011  点此下载全文
引用本文:ZENG AiHua.2012.Distribution characteristics of U-Se-Re-Mo at No. 7 working sector of No. 511 uranium deposit, Xinjiang[J].Mineral Deposits,31(1):139~150
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Author NameAffiliation
ZENG AiHua East China Institute of Technology, Fuzhou 344000, Jiangxi, China 
中文关键词:地球化学  Re  Se  Mo  U  7号采区  511铀矿床  新疆
Distribution characteristics of U-Se-Re-Mo at No. 7 working sector of No. 511 uranium deposit, Xinjiang
Abstract:Minerals of dispersed elements Re, Se are much-needed scarce ore species in China and are of great significance for national resource strategy and environmental safety realization. However, the ore-forming mechanism of Re, Se has been long controversial, which leads to the confusion and difficulty in prospecting for similar mi- nerals. Therefore, the improvement of the understanding of the ore-forming mechanism is of both theoretic and practical value. During the exploration of the No. 511 ore deposit in Xinjiang, the authors found evidence of enrichment of dispersed elements Re, Se. Taking No. 7 working sector of this ore deposit in Yili basin as an example and following the technical line of combining field geological survey with laboratory test and comprehensive study, this paper tries to discuss the distribution features of elements Re, Se, Mo and their relationships with uranium element. The result indicates that the dispersed elements Re and Se are spatially closely related to uranium ore bodies in the sandstone type ore deposit, while no Re and Se super-enrichment exists at No. 7 working sector besides several specific spots. It is thought that the interlayer oxidation at No. 7 working sector might have led to the enrichment of dispersed elements Re and Se, but with no mineralization even under the condition of existence of such mineral resources in the No. 511 ore deposit. It is evident that trace elements Re and Se which have a close relationship with uranium in the No. 511 ore deposit present a linear distribution.
keywords:geochemistry  Re  Se  Mo  U  No. 7 working sector  No. 511uranium deposit  Xinjiang
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